our beginnings
code of ethics
sustainability targets
giving back

Our Beginnings

When you purchase from Miss Amara we are committing to supplying you with the best rugs (ever!) whilst these company values remain at the core of everything we do:

  • We Care
  • Be Transparent
  • Best in Class

We Care

This includes but it's not limited to people (our team, our customers, our partners, our manufacturers, ourselves), the environment, what we sell & how we sell it.

Be Transparent

We are open & honest in all our communication and engagements - with each other, our customers & our stakeholders.

Best in Class

With respect to ethical, environmental and the social impact of our actions, we are determined to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

A Note From Our Founders

A Note From Our Founders

Alex and Aaron here! Husband and Wife and family founders,

At Miss Amara we’re on a mission to create the most enjoyable and uncomplicated journey to your dream rug but we’ve since learnt that there are other things that drive us.

Today that's all about running our business whilst we also are making a difference to you, our team, our makers and the environment - we’ve developed a higher purpose if you will.

We’re the first to say we’re not perfect but here is what we’ve evolved into focusing on: 

Championing Ethical Sourcing

A big goal of ours was to transition to all our product development being in house end to end, allowing us to control the ethics of our production. Happy to report that we reached this goal in 2019. - you can read more about this in our Code of Ethics. We the founders have even moved overseas to be closer to our principal suppliers, so that at a moments notice - we can be there to see first hand the condition and standards in the factories.

Inclusion and Diversity

We’re committed to creating a culture where everybody belongs. We are consciously working towards being a more inclusive place to work. Currently, women comprise 60% of our workforce, with an epic 70% of our leadership roles filled by women! We are also proud to offer parental benefits to our employees around the world.

The environment - Plastic, we are so done with you

We have aggressive targets around how we can eliminate as much as possible the use of plastic in every conceivable step. These targets also include how we can increase our range to include more products made from recycled plastic bottles - we like to think this way we’re tackling the issue from both ends, minimizing and reversing. 

To date we have sold 2,097pcs of PET rugs FY21+FY22 x 30 Bottles/ Kilo => total bottles used: 556,569pcs

Important issues - in the last year we have donated to the Turkey earthquake relief, bushfire relief, education in India, Covid relief, Oxygen provision in India, food and resource shortages in India, droughts, domestic violence victims to name a few. 

At Miss Amara we also have a crisis fund in the company for staff members that have experienced personal challenges eg. disaster relief and personal issues. Nothing feels better than helping our family pull through a difficult time - it can happen to all of us! 


Of what we’ve shared today, In the beginning these were considerations, and we’re proud to say that today - they are our focus. What we will always do is continue to share and be transparent with our customers, on our journey. 

We hope to continue to do you proud and offer an exceptional customer experience whilst making a difference and serving a higher purpose.

Sincerely and most gratefully, 

Alex and Aaron

The 9 Principles Of the Code Of Ethics

Our vision for the brand was always to have all our product development in house end to end and eliminate any sourcing from third party manufacturers or distributors. This allows us to have full control the ethics of our production in other words, the way our products are made and the journey to get to you.

Freedom of choice in employment

The use of child labor is prohibited

Paying living wages is essential

Reasonable work schedule is maintained

Discrimination is not tolerated

Harsh or inhumane treatment will not be tolerated

Regular employment arrangement is in place

Safe and hygienic working environments

Collective bargaining is respected, as is freedom of association

Our Sustainability Targets

30% of product range is Sustainable

Reduce relative carbon footprint By 30%

Reduce none degradable packaging waste By 40%

Giving Back

In the last year we have donated to bushfire relief, education in India, Covid relief, Oxygen provision in India, food and resource shortages in India, droughts, domestic violence victims to name a few. 

At Miss Amara we also have a crisis fund in the company for staff members that have experienced personal challenges eg. disaster relief and personal issues. Nothing feels better than helping our family pull through a difficult time - it can happen to all of us!

We should mention - at the moment we’re knee deep in the process of setting up our own Miss Amara Foundation which is a tricky and complicated task that involves many steps. So in the meantime, we won’t sit on our laurels - we are focused on make a difference where we can immediately and meaningfully, and so utilise other amazing third party charities including HFC to donate to causes that really matter to us. Learn more about Her Future Coalition

In the beginning these were considerations, and we’re proud to say that today - they are our focus. 

In setting aggressive/ sky high targets towards sustainability, the environment, plastic consumption we accept that this comes with some of these being on track, others being behind and (ecstatic to report) others are ahead. 

What we will always do is continue to share and be transparent with every detail with you our customers on our journey

Her Future x Miss Amara - Education for Girls